What clients say...
"...in-depth psychological profiling and 1:1 assessments for the appointment of some of our most Senior Executives and Board Level positions"
"..a great understanding of our business needs and offers us a really in depth insight as to the leadership style and potential 'fit' of candidates. "
"professional, credible and insightful"
"You've added value right there" (first 3 minutes of coaching session)
"I have experienced real transformational benefits that have positively impacted on my work performance, happiness and my relationships both at work and at home. "
"The feedback from all events has been extremely positive and more importantly has made a difference in the way the teams now function. "
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We will help you to grow your organisation and strengthen your leadership
We are passionate about helping your organisation to grow. We use our insights and expertise to help you to identify and develop your leaders and leadership teams. Ensuring you attract, maintain and develop talented people (internal or external) with the right values, style and fit to lead your business.
Our Specialism
Our expert business psychologists are sought after to provide inspiring insights for business leaders at all levels.
We are specialists in working with executives and their teams to build strong organisational leadership. We expect you to be passionate, intelligent and demanding in your goals to strengthen your businesses' leadership and performance.
What makes us different?
The people at Envision are at the top of their profession and share a real passion in what they do. But the thing our clients tell us they value the most and that makes our people different, is our insights:
INSIGHTS into your unique business context;
INSIGHTS into how to unblock and improve your performance;
INSIGHTS into how you can get the best from others
Our Approach
Our aim is for every conversation we have with you to add value at an organisational and individual level. We create safe spaces that enable people to challenge themselves and take tough feedback to enhance their performance by using our expert coaching and facilitation skills. We build strong working partnerships with you, our clients, that endure over time.
Click here to see our latest publication
The Power of Personality
"The Power of Personality: Unleash your potential in all you do" By Gareth English with contribution from Rachael Lewis available from Amazon