360 Feedback & Psychometrics

All our consultants are Chartered Psychologists with experience in the design, development and accreditation of psychometric instruments.  Many are BPS (British Psychological Society) verified Assessors.

We are independent and impartial in our advice and will match your needs with a vast range of tools available on the market.  We have a thorough understanding of both the practicalities of these instruments along with the purpose and limitations of them.  Our extensive experience and psychological insight enables us to maximise the usefulness of these instruments.

360 Feedback

  • We are trained and accredited in a number of off the shelf tools (eg Benchmarks, Skillscope, EQI)
  • Due to our training and experience we can quickly pick up and use your own inhouse frameworks (eg LQF)
  • We can help you to tailor off the shelf models to meet your needs (eg Appraisal 360)
  • We can assist you in the design and development of your own specific instruments

Emotional Intelligence

We are able to advise and use questionniares relating to emotional intelligence in both a self assessment and 360 context (eg Bar-On EQI)

Personality & Motivation

Our consultants are not only accredited to use but also are accredited to train others in the use of:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • Firo B
  • 16PF
  • CPI
  • Innovations Potentail Indicator
  • Thomas Kilman Conflict Indicator
  • Destiny Me

We are also experienced in the use of personality and motivational profiling instruments such as:

  • Wave
  • OPQ
  • NEO-PI

Strategic Thinking & Aptitude

For senior positions we are able to provide an indepth assessment of strategic thinking.  Using an interactive approach we can stretch and support candidates to establish their highest levels of critical and strategic thinking. Based on the work of Elliot Jacques we are then able to map their thinking strategies to different levels of corporate functioning and determine their current zone of development and ceiling.

We have written and developed numerous assessment activities and simulations designed to provide evidence of different leadership and management skills.

We have extensive experience in conducting assessment of aptitude.  We are qualified to use any instrument available on the market.  Many of our consultants are accredited to train others in the use of Level A instruments.  Some of the isntruments we have previously used include:

  • ABLE
  • Watson Glazer Critical Thinking
  • Tests of Verbal, Numerical and Spatial Reasoning
  • Ravens Matrices 
  • Destiny
  • SHL's Verbal & Numerical Reasoning Series