We have listed some of the organisations and companies that we have worked with to give you some idea of the wide range that we cover.

Executive Coaching & Mentoring

Cheshire & Merseyside Strategic Health Authority – Directors Careers Coaching and 360 feedbacks
3 sessions with a selection of strategic Directors to provide 360 feedbacks, review motivations, career drivers (Career Anchors) desires and skills and to provide 1:1 follow up sessions to review career development and also to establish better team working.  Wellsteed Associates Ltd.

Executive Coaching Sessions and 360 Feedbacks with Senior Management
Clients have included CEOs, Directors and Senior Management from organisations such as Cargill, ParExcel, St Augustine’s of Canterbury Upper School, Valuation Office Agency, Food Standards Agency, Office of Government Commerce, Scottish Power, Oldham County Council, and The British Museum.  Issues covered have included: Careers, Coping with Change, Leading Change, Anger management, Communication, Leadership Styles, Stress and Balance, Leading a Team, Strategic Thinking & Creating a Vision, Inspiring Others, Motivating Others, Assertiveness, Influencing Skills, Presenting & Selling yourself, Work-Life Balance and Personal Resilience, Dealing with Difficult people, Making difficult decisions.

Career Support Coaching – NHS Directors: Various PCTs
Following the announcement to reorganise the SHA’s and PCT’s we bacame involved in the career support sessions provided to all Directors and CE’s.  We have provided coaching sessions to clients from range of PCTs including: Bebbington & West Wirral PCT, Birkenhead and Wallasey PCT, Central Cheshire PCT, Cheshire West PCT, Central Manchester PCT,  South Sefton PCT.

Team and Individual Coaching - Banks Cargill
We worked with all memembers of a team, and in particular one ‘problem’ member. After just 5 coaching sessions she was removed from disciplinary procedures, fully reinstated into her job and commended for her work!

Team Development

Strategy for a Management Team - DfEE
We were invited to facilitate an off-site team meeting for the management team of a division within DfEE to help them think more proactively about the position they would like to acquire during the change over to DWP, thus enabling them to be more strategic than reactive in the services they provided.

Overcoming issues of Trust – AVON
We worked with a senior management team in Avon to help them overcome a fundamental break down in trust that led to the interruption of team working.  We conducted diagnostic one to oen interviews with all team members and produced a written analysis of the results.  Following this we held two team days.  The team is now able to work together collabouratively on shared goals and objectives.

Glaxo-Smithkline – Senior Team Development

Based in Belgium, this team was multi-cultural and experiencing problems in working together and developing trust.  We designed and facilitated a 2-day off-site meeting to help them to determine how they could work together more effectively and to share their ideas for the direction of their Division.  They were able to walk away with a shared vision of how to work together and what to work towards.

The St Paul – Team Events with a difference
We were requested by St Paul & OPP Ltd to develop team events with a difference.  Working with a senior team from The St Paul , we have provided one day events aimed to develop leadership and team spirit.  The first day was a ‘one day holiday’, which aimed to reconsolidate the team after restructuring and a difficult financial year.  The second event was a challenge to provide a promotional video for a children’s charity respite care home.

Office of Government Commerce – Team of Directors

Before the current restructure, we worked with a team of directors, to help them to build trust, and work more collaboratively.  We worked individually with each team member and also designed a one-day event where team members simulated the working environment and reflected on how they worked together and how they didn’t work together.  At the end of the day all team members gave full and frank feedback to each other.  Team members then had a follow up one to one session to review what they had learnt, what they were noticing and what next….

Leadership Development

Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society – Leadership Development Programme
envision worked in partnership with a number of other business consultancies to provide a state of the art, modularised Leadership Development Programme. We set out to demonstrate that the programme would pay for itself, and the data gathered  has already exceeded this claim!  Over 200 senior managers (including Executive Board Members) formed 10 Sets, each undertaking 5 delivered modules examining personal style and impact, leadership styles and models, leading others, leading self and customer service.  The programme included: Exec Board Sponsors; Learning Sets; 5 Modules over 6 months; Workplace Projects; 360 feedback and individual diagnostics; Setting Personal Development Goals; individual follow up and coaching.  

Hope Hospital – Clinician Leadership Programme
envision is a delivery partner in this programme.  We are responsible for designing and delivering a module aimed at developing self awareness of leadership style; understanding different styles and how to lead them more effectively; and also how to manage conflict effectively.

Northern Ireland Office – Leading Change
Working in partenrship with CPCR Ltd we have co-designed and delivered the ‘Leading Change’ Module for the Leadership Programme for the most Senior Managers and Directors within the Northern Ireland Office – comprising of Criminal Justice and Policing; The Prison Service; The Parades Commission; Forensics etc.   This work is being conducted by CPCR Ltd who have invited us in due to our areas of expertise and ability to work with this specific client group.

Halifax, SmithKline Beecham, The St Paul & Alstom – Leadership Centres and Simulations
We have designed and delivered numerous Management Development Centres, all aimed at generating data about Leadership potential, talent and benchmarking performance.  Each centre has been unique, however many have included 1:1 coaching and feedback sessions and detailed written reports. All have involved the generation of detailed personal development plans.

Recruiting the Right People

Assistant Director Assessment Centres – DTI
Working in partnership with CPCR Ltd we have co-managed and assessed on the Assistant Director Assessment Centres.  Candidates from various organisations were asked to undertake a series of exercises including group discussions, psychometric profiles, presentations and written analysis, designed to elicit information about their performance against the relevant areas of competence.

Assessment for Promotion – UNISON, Campbells, Novartis, Management Centre Europe
We have developed competencies, designed assessment centres, trained assessors and Managed the Assessment Centre process and chaired the decision making meeting for a range of different organisations and a wide range of different roles, from Manufacturing first line managers to Financial Directors and most recently the CEO for a new Management Representation organisation in the Health sector (a partnership with UNISON).  At Management Centre Europe candidates were being selected from all nationalities and assessors were multi-national.

Middle Manager Assessment Days – Boehringer Ingleheim
We have collabourated on the design of Strategic Thinking Assessments to establish the ceiling level of performance of first line mangers seeking promotion to a talent pool and ultimately into middle management.  We also conducted interviews and asessment days, and have produced written reports on candidate strengths and development needs.  This work was undertaken in partnership with Smithfield Performance Ltd.